Act Now for Rural America! - Your Action is Crucial!
Have you contacted your members of Congress yet about establishing effective payment limitations for federal farm programs?
The most effective thing Congress could do to strengthen family farms and rural communities is establish effective payments limitations and stop the unlimited subsidies that help mega farms drive smaller operations out of business.
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) and a bipartisan team of Senate cosponsors are leading the fight for a proposal to implement real payments limitations on federal farm programs, placing the cap at $250,000.
CALL - 202-224-3121
and ask for your Representative by name, they will connect you.
If you live in Iowa - take another step and
CALL Representative Jim Nussle's office
Representative Jim Nussle - 202-225-2911
Representative Nussle chairs the House Budget Committee
and will be a powerful voice in the final decision on this issue.
And, next week (or more precisely, this weekend) Congress is coming home for the August recess.
Shortly after they return in September, they will resolve the final issues relating to the 2005 federal budget. In particular, they will decide how to cut $3 billion out of spending on agriculture.
They have two choices, they can cut across the board - cut conservation (like the conservation security program); rural development; cooperative and value-added development; food and nutrition programs (like food stamps and WIC - Women, Infants and Children nutrition program) - the very programs that help family farmers, ranchers, and rural communities as well as many of the most disadvantaged American children.
OR - Congress can, instead, choose to limits payments to the nation's largest farms by enacting the Grassley - Dorgan proposal.
The choice really is that stark. Cut spending that makes a difference for family farmers and ranchers, rural communities and American children living in poverty. Or, reduce (not eliminate, just cap) unlimited, sometimes multi-million dollar subsidies to the nation's largest farms - mega farms, really.
And you have the chance to make your voice heard. Contact your Representative's and Senators' offices, urge them to support the payment limitations that Senator Grassley and Senator Dorgan have proposed.
CALL - 202-224-3121
and ask for your Representative by name, they will connect you.
If you live in Iowa - take another step and
CALL Representative Jim Nussle's office
Representative Jim Nussle - 202-225-2911
Representative Nussle chairs the House Budget Committee
and will be a powerful voice in the final decision on this issue.
Ask your Representatives to let you know when they will be in or near your community so that you can talk with them about this issue - face-to-face. And when they come, bring your family, friends and neighbors with you.
Remind your members of Congress how important this issue really is, because, in many ways, the future of rural America is at stake. Remind them that the future of rural America is their future too.
John Crabtree,
402-687-2103 ext 1010
Center for Rural Affairs
Values. Worth. Action.