Blog for Rural America

The Center for Rural Affairs, a private, non-profit organization, is working to strengthen small businesses, family farms and ranches, and rural communities. Permission to reprint items from this web log is hereby granted, on the condition that clear credit is given to the original source of the material. If the blog provides information for a story, please let us know by sending an email to

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Blog for Rural America - We Moved

Last month we moved the Blog for Rural America over to the main Center for Rural Affairs website. You can find it at

It took us a little while to get cranking, but we're now posting on the new blog on a regular basis. If you are not reading the new site, you are missing out on a number of interesting posts.

If you read our blog by RSS feed, the new feed url is

I hope to hear from you all in the comments on the new site.