The Poorest Part of America
The Poorest Part of America
Not here, surely?
Dec 8th 2005
From The Economist
Want to see America's new ghetto? Follow the Rockies northwards towards the Great Plains
In 1859, a young schoolteacher in Illinois who would later become a famous explorer, John Wesley Powell, used to make his students sing: "Our lands are broad enough. Have no alarm. For Uncle Sam is rich enough to give us all a farm."
Uncle Sam indeed obliged. In a series of Homestead Acts, pioneers staked 270m acres (110m hectares) of land. Even after the fertile ground had been snapped up, the settlers still kept coming. In the first two decades of the 20th century, they poured into the less productive areas - eastern Montana, the western Dakotas and western Nebraska. They endured the hardships of Job. Most were driven away, but the obstinate stayed. And, alas, they have struggled ever since.
No place so demonstrates the shaky economic state of rural America as the northern Rockies and western Great Plains. Virtually all of the 20 poorest counties in America, in terms of wages, are on the eastern flank of the Rockies or on the western Great Plains (see map and table below). Not one of the ten poorest counties in this region issued a housing permit in 2002. A couple of years ago, Lester Thurow, a Montana-born economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, observed that when he got his doctorate in the mid-1960s, he associated regional poverty with the South. But he was now certain that, before he retired, "regional poverty will be a phenomenon of the northern Great Plains."
There are two unusual things about the deprivation in this region. First, it is largely white. The area does include several pockets of wretched Native American poverty, but in most areas the poor are as white as a prairie snowstorm.
Second, most people do not think of themselves as poor. The landscape certainly does not cry scarcity. Judith Basin, for instance, is a county of tidy ranches and vast vistas. Cumulus clouds project great shadows that sweep over patchwork fields planted with alfalfa and wheat. To the west, the Little Belt Mountains glow blueish-green. It might almost be paradise for those who want no hills to climb.
It is only when you turn off the main road and come upon a pattern of deserted homesteads that the reality sinks in. In 2003 nearly a sixth of Judith Basin's residents lived below the federal poverty level for a family of four of $18,400. The median household income was $26,900 (against $43,300 nationally). Crime is low (meth, the scourge of many rural counties, has made only minimal incursions here), but it is still a community in decline.
Judith Basin County has lost about 6% of its population in the past four years. Around ten pupils graduate from its three high schools each year. The population of the county seat, Stanford, reached its zenith of 615 in 1960. Now it is 430 and "that's if everyone is home", as one county commissioner puts it. Larry Swanson, a University of Montana economist who has spent years studying Great Plains and Northern Rockies demography, says the picture is dire. "We are seeing a re-accelerating of the population decline. After the kids left in the 1980s and 1990s, things sort of levelled off. Now it's just plain attrition. People are dying."
It is fairly common nowadays for rural counties across America to lose people: roughly one in four did in the 1990s. What is unusual about this region is that the downturn has not inspired much zeal for invention. Granted, this region suffers from "the curse of flat counties". It lacks the mountains, rivers or dramatic geography that attract wealthy retirees or budding software entrepreneurs. Not having a vital urban area also hurts. The northern Great Plains, which covers roughly 280,000 square miles, includes only one decent-sized city—Billings (whose population is 97,000), though Lincoln, Omaha and Sioux Falls are on its eastern edge.
Yet even if you look only at agriculture, the region has plainly failed to adapt to a world in which grain and cattle are cheap. Pioneer mythology has a good deal to do with this. The walls of the Museum of the Northern Great Plains in Fort Benton, Montana, carry biblical phrases ("They shall beat their swords into ploughshares") or Thomas Jefferson's maxim of divine preference ("Those who labour in the earth are the chosen people of God"). But this mythology has led to a paralysing respect for antiquity.
There are a few signs of innovation. Montana and North Dakota are both trying to grow more organic crops, for which margins are higher, and state coffers are swelling because of the energy boom. But little effort has been made to process foods rather than just grow them. For instance, both North and South Dakota are leading producers of wheat and soyabeans. Yet according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the two states have less than 1% of their population employed in the food-processing industry. The crops go out by the truckload to provide jobs elsewhere.
How does the region survive? For all the brouhaha about independence, it leans heavily on the federal government. In 2003, the government spent an average of $10,200 per person in Judith Basin. North Dakota counties averaged $9,000. Most of this comes in the form of farm subsidies. In 2003, the ten poorest counties in the United States each received an average of $5.5m in federal price supports and disaster payments, according to the Environmental Working Group, which tracks federal farm payments.
Are these subsidies a curse? Certainly not in the eyes of the area's politicians, who are elected to preserve them. The figures for some states have tripled since 1995. These hand-outs certainly help to keep many farms alive (and they mean that the counties do not do quite as badly when you look at their overall incomes, as they do for wages and salaries). But they are hardly spawning a healthy economy. A report by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in March pointed out that the counties most dependent on farm payments were mostly those with the weakest job figures and the weakest population growth.
Moreover, the cash is being distributed in an increasingly unequal way. In 2004, 405 farmers in Judith Basin County received $4m in farm subsidies. That would imply an annual hand-out of $9,900 each, but the average for the top 20 recipients was $55,850 apiece. More of the money is being grabbed by big farmers. In one way such consolidation is welcome, but it hardly squares with the egalitarian ambitions of the Homestead Acts.
This dynamic of more money going to fewer people is not new, but, until recently, few have had the nerve to point it out. Four years ago, however, in a now famous study called "Why Invest In Rural America?", Karl Stauber of the Northwest Area Foundation claimed that farm subsidies had done nothing to improve the economic viability of America's rural communities. Of the 145 counties in the region, 123 had lost population or had grown at below 1% a year since 2000.
The primary difference between this region and other bits of rural America is perhaps denial. Just as rain never did follow the plough, modern jobs do not follow high-cost subsidised food production. The era of the small arable farmer and even of the modest-sized rancher is over. Indeed, it has been for at least half a century (though if you say that in a bar in the Dakotas or Nebraska, be prepared to duck).
As for the idea that rural America feeds the world, the truth is that it no longer even feeds America. Americans buy ever more of their food from more fertile and cheaper places like Brazil (though they have to pay more for it than they should, thanks to America's high tariffs). Meanwhile, providing this huge, sparsely populated area with services such as health care, schools and transport looks an increasingly expensive proposition for an ever more urban and suburban country. The years when Uncle Sam "is rich enough to give us all a farm" are drawing to an end.
Not here, surely?
Dec 8th 2005
From The Economist
Want to see America's new ghetto? Follow the Rockies northwards towards the Great Plains
In 1859, a young schoolteacher in Illinois who would later become a famous explorer, John Wesley Powell, used to make his students sing: "Our lands are broad enough. Have no alarm. For Uncle Sam is rich enough to give us all a farm."
Uncle Sam indeed obliged. In a series of Homestead Acts, pioneers staked 270m acres (110m hectares) of land. Even after the fertile ground had been snapped up, the settlers still kept coming. In the first two decades of the 20th century, they poured into the less productive areas - eastern Montana, the western Dakotas and western Nebraska. They endured the hardships of Job. Most were driven away, but the obstinate stayed. And, alas, they have struggled ever since.
No place so demonstrates the shaky economic state of rural America as the northern Rockies and western Great Plains. Virtually all of the 20 poorest counties in America, in terms of wages, are on the eastern flank of the Rockies or on the western Great Plains (see map and table below). Not one of the ten poorest counties in this region issued a housing permit in 2002. A couple of years ago, Lester Thurow, a Montana-born economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, observed that when he got his doctorate in the mid-1960s, he associated regional poverty with the South. But he was now certain that, before he retired, "regional poverty will be a phenomenon of the northern Great Plains."
There are two unusual things about the deprivation in this region. First, it is largely white. The area does include several pockets of wretched Native American poverty, but in most areas the poor are as white as a prairie snowstorm.
Second, most people do not think of themselves as poor. The landscape certainly does not cry scarcity. Judith Basin, for instance, is a county of tidy ranches and vast vistas. Cumulus clouds project great shadows that sweep over patchwork fields planted with alfalfa and wheat. To the west, the Little Belt Mountains glow blueish-green. It might almost be paradise for those who want no hills to climb.
It is only when you turn off the main road and come upon a pattern of deserted homesteads that the reality sinks in. In 2003 nearly a sixth of Judith Basin's residents lived below the federal poverty level for a family of four of $18,400. The median household income was $26,900 (against $43,300 nationally). Crime is low (meth, the scourge of many rural counties, has made only minimal incursions here), but it is still a community in decline.
Judith Basin County has lost about 6% of its population in the past four years. Around ten pupils graduate from its three high schools each year. The population of the county seat, Stanford, reached its zenith of 615 in 1960. Now it is 430 and "that's if everyone is home", as one county commissioner puts it. Larry Swanson, a University of Montana economist who has spent years studying Great Plains and Northern Rockies demography, says the picture is dire. "We are seeing a re-accelerating of the population decline. After the kids left in the 1980s and 1990s, things sort of levelled off. Now it's just plain attrition. People are dying."
It is fairly common nowadays for rural counties across America to lose people: roughly one in four did in the 1990s. What is unusual about this region is that the downturn has not inspired much zeal for invention. Granted, this region suffers from "the curse of flat counties". It lacks the mountains, rivers or dramatic geography that attract wealthy retirees or budding software entrepreneurs. Not having a vital urban area also hurts. The northern Great Plains, which covers roughly 280,000 square miles, includes only one decent-sized city—Billings (whose population is 97,000), though Lincoln, Omaha and Sioux Falls are on its eastern edge.
Yet even if you look only at agriculture, the region has plainly failed to adapt to a world in which grain and cattle are cheap. Pioneer mythology has a good deal to do with this. The walls of the Museum of the Northern Great Plains in Fort Benton, Montana, carry biblical phrases ("They shall beat their swords into ploughshares") or Thomas Jefferson's maxim of divine preference ("Those who labour in the earth are the chosen people of God"). But this mythology has led to a paralysing respect for antiquity.
There are a few signs of innovation. Montana and North Dakota are both trying to grow more organic crops, for which margins are higher, and state coffers are swelling because of the energy boom. But little effort has been made to process foods rather than just grow them. For instance, both North and South Dakota are leading producers of wheat and soyabeans. Yet according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the two states have less than 1% of their population employed in the food-processing industry. The crops go out by the truckload to provide jobs elsewhere.
How does the region survive? For all the brouhaha about independence, it leans heavily on the federal government. In 2003, the government spent an average of $10,200 per person in Judith Basin. North Dakota counties averaged $9,000. Most of this comes in the form of farm subsidies. In 2003, the ten poorest counties in the United States each received an average of $5.5m in federal price supports and disaster payments, according to the Environmental Working Group, which tracks federal farm payments.
Are these subsidies a curse? Certainly not in the eyes of the area's politicians, who are elected to preserve them. The figures for some states have tripled since 1995. These hand-outs certainly help to keep many farms alive (and they mean that the counties do not do quite as badly when you look at their overall incomes, as they do for wages and salaries). But they are hardly spawning a healthy economy. A report by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in March pointed out that the counties most dependent on farm payments were mostly those with the weakest job figures and the weakest population growth.
Moreover, the cash is being distributed in an increasingly unequal way. In 2004, 405 farmers in Judith Basin County received $4m in farm subsidies. That would imply an annual hand-out of $9,900 each, but the average for the top 20 recipients was $55,850 apiece. More of the money is being grabbed by big farmers. In one way such consolidation is welcome, but it hardly squares with the egalitarian ambitions of the Homestead Acts.
This dynamic of more money going to fewer people is not new, but, until recently, few have had the nerve to point it out. Four years ago, however, in a now famous study called "Why Invest In Rural America?", Karl Stauber of the Northwest Area Foundation claimed that farm subsidies had done nothing to improve the economic viability of America's rural communities. Of the 145 counties in the region, 123 had lost population or had grown at below 1% a year since 2000.
The primary difference between this region and other bits of rural America is perhaps denial. Just as rain never did follow the plough, modern jobs do not follow high-cost subsidised food production. The era of the small arable farmer and even of the modest-sized rancher is over. Indeed, it has been for at least half a century (though if you say that in a bar in the Dakotas or Nebraska, be prepared to duck).
As for the idea that rural America feeds the world, the truth is that it no longer even feeds America. Americans buy ever more of their food from more fertile and cheaper places like Brazil (though they have to pay more for it than they should, thanks to America's high tariffs). Meanwhile, providing this huge, sparsely populated area with services such as health care, schools and transport looks an increasingly expensive proposition for an ever more urban and suburban country. The years when Uncle Sam "is rich enough to give us all a farm" are drawing to an end.
At 1:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
farm subsidies are a curse - the biggest farms get all the cash and drive out family farmers - and keep someone like me, someone who wants to farm, out of farming and off the land
perhaps the primary focus of the next farm billl should be new farmers - instead of keeping corporate mega farms in business
At 2:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
It's unfortunate to see some parts of the world are so poor and so many lack health coverage.
At 5:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
AMERICA'S POOR, Oprah's Special Report / Anderson Cooper, Maria Shriver, Gayle King Special/ Aug. 14. 2008
nov141958 Posted on Aug 15, 2008
Hello Oprah and Staff
Oprah, this is really tragic, to learn that America the richest and most powerful country in the world is got people 37 million people living in poverty. The slums are enough to sick the people all over the world stomach. Yet still America is always trying to solve others troulbes instead of picking the beam out of their own eyes first. Very sad. Too many soldier are dying, and now too many Canadian Soldiers are dying too. America start fixing up your own business. SHAME!! Oprah, imagine only 70 miles from your studio, Pembroke, Illinois no zip code, to get money, no warning system, no bank, no roads, cant pay for gasoline, no drugstores, tires use to hold down roofs. Alexandria, Douglas family, Laura, Kendell, Kendell Mom, Kendell grandson, imagine taking two ply tissue to make two rolls very pathetic. Oprah, it's time to bring in Condoleeza Rice, President George Bush, and all the other higher authorities in America to do something, it's time to wake up and take action for the really really poor people in America. I really don't want to think that we are in the last days like revelation says because these are issues that can be taken care of by the higher authorities, these issues need to be looked into, as an assign project and it should be ongoing until these unsanitary mess are clean up. These mess can be fix. So many people are without jobs some of these people can help with the building, supply the material and try to get volunteers, to help out. I was quite annoyed to see the husband with the cancer and look how far they live from even having a road to get to doctor. Anderson Cooper, CNN, Anchor, you are very right the invisible poor, imagine Katrina storm the Amtrack, call the mayor to give 1000, seats to rescue the citizens and the Mayor, turn down this blessed offer, this was very wicked of him and he can go into denial today but he must remember what goes around comes around. What this Mayor has to understand that people are functioning on different levels of intelligence and some will want to stay because this is the only place they have ever known but ther are ones that would leave for safer ground. This happens anywhere but if someone take time out to explain the nature of the hurricane they could have been convinced if they see that care is coming there way. Anderson great job! Maria Shriver, I am so proud of you, you visited Candy, and took her grocery shopping, you dried up her tears, the kids got food, you took care of them great Maria, Maria, you have made a good choice to do the poverty, keep up the good work. Volunteer, and humanitarian duties are so fulfilling. Love for Maria. Maria, you also visit, Brenda, and Barbara, I know you made them happy. Gayle King, Connecticut, Hartford, I have a good friend from Hartford Connecticut, Mervilyn Barrett, I recognize the accent, 43% poverty, no food, choice between food and car but has to get to work. Very sad, you need both, 3 kids, Scarborough Street, Linda, I hope you will be able to fix some of the bad choices you have made in your life, because you are now clean for three years, everyone can make mistakes, and everyone deserve a second chance to put their life back together, I wish you all the best get it back together. Gayle great coverage. Thank you. Oprah, I am shock out of my wits to know that America is got a lot of mess to fix up they are even worst than some third world countries that has no money. This is very shameful on America, and I hope most of this can be fix now that there are some exposure. Socal Workers, are always great people, they are working without pay, they will be blessed and are always needed. But remember God says by the sweat of your brow you sahll eat bread. Oprah, you are right that little girl is a brilliant as can be if given a chance and get instruction to rebuke the cycle of poverty away from her life, she will do just so. Oprah, great show, America did need to be exposed. I am astonished, and I bet others are too.
Kind regards
Please stop making them invisible.
At 12:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
The religious and political turmoil of the Puritan Revolution in England, as well as the repression of the Huguenots in France, helped to stimulate emigration to the English colonies. Hopes of economic betterment brought thousands from England as well as a number from Germany and other continental countries.
South Dakota Drug Treatment
At 11:02 PM,
evad said…
Really.... I have lived in rural Western Nebraska all my life. Its not poor, its a different way of going about life. The dollar is not the almighty. You enjoy what you do. Do not bother others and hope the do not bother you.
At 8:13 AM,
Winstrol said…
oh, you also seem to be good at history!
At 1:01 AM,
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I, of course, a newcomer to this blog, but the author does not agree
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At 12:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm very interested in finding more information on possible ways and means of improving the overall economy in the Judith Basin, Montana. Has there been any research delving into methods of processing with all the production coming from this region?
At 10:53 AM,
Angelina C said…
Great readingg your blog post
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